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The Odyssey


Shapoorji Pallonji




Strategy & Positioning, Branding, Design, Copywriting, oversight and creative development for offline and online platforms.


Our inspiration stemmed from understanding the mindset of our target audience. Being exclusive and successful, they no longer aspired for more; they had already achieved their goals. Inspired by this notion, we aimed to communicate that our homes were worthy of them. Our homes would provide them with that sense of power, enabling them to pause everything around them.

How the challenge was overcome

The project, a significant launch by the developer, had already been launched with a legacy campaign that lacked distinction and failed to emphasize the projects unique attributes. The challenge for us was to devise a new campaign tailored for the niche target audience, one that effectively highlighted the project.


We devised the campaign “Your Power To Pause,” addressing and glorifying our consumers while highlighting the project's unique attributes. The campaign was deployed across hoardings, performance ads, mailers, WhatsApp, and social media. This comprehensive approach ensured maximum visibility and engagement, effectively showcasing the project's distinctive features.

Shapoorji Pallonji
Shapoorji Pallonji
Shapoorji Pallonji
Shapoorji Pallonji
Shapoorji Pallonji
Shapoorji Pallonji
Shapoorji Pallonji
Shapoorji Pallonji

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Joyville Sensorium


Shapoorji Pallonji


Phase 1, Hinjawadi


Strategy & Positioning, Branding, Design, Copywriting, oversight and creative development for offline and online platforms.


Taking inspiration from the project name "Joyville Sensorium," which was designed to cater to all the senses, we crafted our campaign as "Homes For All Senses."

How the challenge was overcome

Of the 9 towers launched by the developer, 5 had already been sold, leaving the remaining 4 to be sold. They were positioned at a significantly higher price point than their high-end competitors like Godrej. With competitors offering lower prices and previous communication failing to highlight the project's premium features, the challenge was to craft a campaign that truly portrayed the project as a premium luxury offering.


We devised the campaign "Home For All Senses" to position the project as ultra-luxurious, thereby attracting high-quality leads closer to conversion. This campaign was intricately linked to all the senses and highlighted the unique selling points (USPs) of the project, along with a special offer from the developer: an ₹8 lakh discount. However, we presented this offer as a ₹35,000 per month rental benefit, ensuring that it covered the monthly rental payments for prospective buyers until possession, thus enhancing its appeal. Our strategy included hoardings featuring a masterful creative and a series of 5 mailers, each focusing on a different sense, to effectively convey the project's allure and benefits.

Shapoorji Pallonji
Shapoorji Pallonji
Shapoorji Pallonji